Macaroni and Ham Soup: My roommate in college used to make a heaping crap load of mac and chop up a huge thing of ham so there'd be individual bowls of mac, ham, and green onion. Roomies and neighbors would just spoon the individual ingredients into their bowls and season to taste. For people who would like measurements, here some some guesstimates for 3 servings.
8oz uncooked macaroni
1 cup cubed ham
2 green onions, chopped
2 cans of chicken broth s
esame oil (about 1 tspn per serving) w
hite pepper
Cook the macaroni per instructions and heat the chicken broth (microwave or on stovetop... whatever). In a bowl, top the macaroni with ham, green onion and pour in chicken broth. Add white pepper to taste. Let sit to cool off for about a minute to let flavors meld.